Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What's "Tears of Forest"?

I believed many will question what is this "Tears of Forest" all about. Many may refer it to as the "Rainforest World Music Festival" which is and has become the pride of Kuching. We felt that it should be also named as the "Tears of Forest" because when the raindrops showered the tick virgin forest of Borneo Island, each splatter of these raindrops create a sound that turns into songs. Probably it may be a little hard to be understand. Well, lets make it simple. Every year, especially in the mid of the year, Kuching will held it's biggest event where by people start talking about it, busy looking for the outfit that they can wear on that particular day, inviting friends from other places, trying to book for accommodation nearest to the occasion and etc. Tourist, and even the locals await for this occasion to roll on so that they can experience the great things nature has given to us. It is definitely some occasion that is worth going to. Hopefully this year, more people will treasure the wonderful tears that the forest has poured to us.